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The quite serviceable internal search engine FreeFind, which comes
into use on these pages, lets visitors search your website for a given
search string and shows its locations on the pages on found web pages on
an own "search results" page - after some registration and configuration.
It is provided by
Here are some extras:
Language support in FreeFind is a little rudimentary. One can, however, refer
the visitors to an own Help / FAQ- page in their respective language.
Here is a free to use
German help for FreeFind
In German:
[ Deutsche Hilfe für FreeFind ]
The official online version can be found here ( simple ) and here ( advanced ).
Some providers will allow little more than a text link in their
customer homepage templates; which means that you cannot add a
FreeFind search form.
FreeFind presents the locations of the search strings on the pages in a separate page with links to the corresponding pages. The locations on the pages themselves however are not highlighted.
There is a JavaScript by kryogenix.org, though, developed further by webdesign weisshart, which highlights the locations of search strings found on pages by search engines like Google and others. For that, this JavaScript file and this CSS file must be filed on one's own server and requested by every HTML file using this feature:
On webdesign weisshart this script is being developed further.
It should be pointed out, though, that:
Erase search term highlighting
"); Before: document.write("
Erase search term highlighting
On top of that, Mozilla-Browsers may sometimes have
problems if the "onload" - command in the script is already employed
in the HTML - BODY - TAG, and in that case, tends to be ignored
in the script. One possible detour would be to try to trigger the script
However, to be able to employ this highlighting in FreeFind calls for yet another, small, but fiddly, detour:
To enable the "highlight" -
function for FreeFind, an additional script, developed here, has to be put down
in a suitable HTML-page, introduced to FreeFind as a template
and uploaded onto their server.
Hits both of external search engines such as Google and of the internal one of FreeFind are then highlighted.
Essentially this is done through the following steps:
As a simple example you can use this template (which of course has to be adapted)
...enables the users of the FreeFind internal search engine to have their search string results highlighted on the page, using the kryogenix search term highlighting by employing this for the FreeFind page search as well.
Copy the following HTML code from "HTML" to "/HTML" to
a text editor, save it as a HTML file (take good care that the line breaks are not
changed!) and upload in FreeFind Control / Customize /
upload custom template.
If nothing is represented in the following or this page shows up
ice blue in the Browser, please take the template and script from the source
code of this page or from this ZIP-Archive
( which includes the German helpfile for FreeFind
as well )
::content:: |
The script has been implemented on this page. To try things out,
you can search below for "ADAPT" and "CLICK" on
these pages in FreeFind. Then click on the page found by FreeFind
- this one, exactly.
The strings "ADAPT" and "CLICK" (or any other) should be additionally highlighted here now.
[ The script has been implemented on this page only ]
A peculiarity of the popup help pages on ( not only ) the
FreeFind search page ( advanced search ) was fixed: The
popup help pages appeared over the parent window ( i. e. in
focus ) only at first call. The next call left them invisible, lying
below the calling page - so that the visitor had the impression of a failing
This problem ( a pop - up window appears over the main window only at first call, while when the same link is clicked again, apparently nothing happens; since the page is already open invisibly under the main window, unless it was closed in the meantime ) can actually be set right with a little JavaScript - if one is able write the pages completely, and they are not, as is common nowadays, generated from a data base.
However, this can sometimes be overcome, if it is possible to place some additional lines of JavaScript onto the page ( directly on the page or in an external .JS - File ), as it is here.
By this code the following happens:
Of course this function can be implemented for itself on any other page,
quite independently of the FreeFind template.
Revised 20.10.09
© 2006 JHR.