REM Fehlgeschlagene Windows Updates Loeschen REM Run as Administrator REM Deshalb ueber Verknuepfung ansprechen REM Und diese Verknuepfung unter Rechte Maustaste / Eigenschaften / Verknuepfung / Erweitert / "Als Administrator ausfuehren" bestimmen REM REM Erasing the windows update history will just remove the entries of the updates and not really the updates itself. REM Open the update log file REM Scroll down almost towards the bottom of the page and you’ll find the error of those updates that failed to install. REM Fehlgeschlagene Updates finden sich unten in der WindowsUpdate.log-Datei. REM Show Updates Log: REM TYPE %Windir%\WindowsUpdate.log REM PAUSE REM Steps to erase Windows Update history net stop wuauserv REM Wait until confirmation that the service is stopped. REM delete the file: del %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\Logs\edb.log REM Open Updates Log: START %Windir%\WindowsUpdate.log REM PAUSE REM you can restart the service with this command: net start wuauserv REM --- REM von cd /d %SystemRoot%\System32\SMI\Store\Machine attrib -s -h * del *.blf del *.regtrans-ms cd /d %USERPROFILE% REM PAUSE dir *.blf del *.blf /F dir *.regtrans-ms del *.regtrans-ms /F REM BEENDEN PAUSE exit cls