Version 1.1: with print previews for easier printing of
the notes
[Restricted in Google Chromeoffline, and
unresponsive as well in MSIE;
this feature consists essentially in a shifting of the middle frameborder
towards the center, or of reloading the right frame in the main window.
If need be, open the admin area by dragging down the frame bar
below the arrow \|/ with the mouse
to and use the right print area /
export function to export data (select and copy).
Version 1.1.2: added a delete function for easier deletion of past events
Version 1.1.3: modified internal filenames and slightly improved JavaScript
[bug fixed in version 1.1.3d/e]
Version 1.1.3: export function installed in version 1.1.3f
Version 1.1.3: import function installed in version 1.1.3g
Version 1.2.0 c: changed files; import and export function fixed
Version 1.2.0 d: files changed; export function now optional to full screen
(for simple save as / text)
Version 1.2.2: fixed bug
Version 1.2.3: english version / minor fixes
Version 1.2.4 beta:
- Foolproofed the import function; verbose
- Right calendar frame date modified to a less ambiguous style
Version 1.2.5: Choice of the result window (same / new window)
implemented for the Google search; plus bugfixes and minor modifications
Version 1.2.6: Fixed output errors in Google Chrome: appointments can now be
exported to an external window. Additional feature added:
Tabstopper for Google Chrome
Version 1.2.6 b: Tabstopper can now be activated with [ENTER] after the page has
been loaded - not just by clicking on the page
The calendar runs in modern
Browsers like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, if
localStorage is enabled; in MSIE following from
version 10; online and - somewhat faster - on your own hard drive,
but possibly limited in function, if warranted
Its layout is similar to Google Calendar or Mozilla
The calendar does not show a single day, week, or month, but a fixed
period - depending on the circumstances - of about one week before,
and four weeks after the current date. There is no cutoff like
31. / 1. or Sunday / Monday.
All upcoming dates are always visible for the same period of time beforehand,
and move through the window from the bottom to the top. The current week
is always slightly elevated in the upper half of the page. Therefore the
same long future, and short past, period is always in view.
In theory, any number of appointments can be entered, as well as extensive
However, appointments can only be entered one after the other - not by time.
There is no time division or possibility to move appointments. For reordering,
an appointment must be cut out and entered anew. Jumping from note to note
can be done with the [Tab], or [Shift] and [Tab] key.
Entered notes can be found using the normal search function of your
browser. This search is automatically limited to the closer environment of the
current date. If you want to make sure to have all search results, you may
have the notes chronologically displayed in the browser window, using the
integrated export function, and perform the search there.
The Admin (administration) Area is located on the right,
under the word "Admin". To open it, either use the mouse to
pull down the bottom bar on the right upper frame (subarea) of the calendar
( under the arrow
\|/ ),
or click the word "Admin".
Create a note: Click on the desired day and enter the appointment
into the opening field. The appointment is saved.
Delete a note: Delete the contents of the specific field and click
anywhere on the display of the month to close it.
Refresh the calendar: Reload the calendar ( Refresh View or
press the [F5] key; complete reload, depending on your browser,
[Shift] + [F5] or [CTRL] + [F5]).
Move back and forth in time: Use the mouse wheel or the scroll bar
to move up or down through the calendar.
Move back and forth in the notes: [Tab], or [Shift]
and [Tab] key.
Delete past appointments: Open the Admin Area,
tick "Irrevocably delete all notes from the past to this date" and
press "delete".
Note: This makes the notes no longer accessible, but still partially stored.
They will be completely deleted by clearing all cookies,
which is regulated according to your browser.
For the same reason, each calendar can only be used privately in one particular
browser; a joint appointment management over multiple browsers cannot be
done. The data for appointments is stored in that specific browser.
The calendar works online or offline, the script can be employed on a server,
or from a hard drive; for this, unpack all associated files into any directory and
open the Framesetjs-calendarframe.html
with the desired browser. An installation does not take place.
The calendar saves the data on the hard disk, in the previous manner of cookies
localStorage. For the calendar to work, cookies must therefore
be allowed!
Settings, for example, in Google Chrome:
Settings/ Show Advanced Settings/ Contents
Settings/ "Allow storage of local data"
If this function is disabled, the calendar does not work.
If the calendar is removed, or is no longer in use, the data will still be
located in the data storage of the browser used.
So that past, no longer valid appointments must no longer be removed manually
and individually, or, as described above, only together with all other data
from the memory of your browser, a clearing function was installed, to make
it easier to delete past appointments.
This function deletes data by the week, by current default for approximately
the last two years.
For security, check the box before "Irrevocably delete all notes from
the past to this date"
If past data must be deleted beyond that, the "delete window" must be opened
beyond the necessary period of time to "erase" the appointments by scrolling
Upcoming events will not be affected.
The data is not deleted completely, it is just no longer accessible. It
can be made visible on the 'import' page, and completely deleted as part
of a complete cleansing of your browser of cookies. However,
then all data will be lost; still needed appointments should therefore
be exported beforehand.
An export function has been created in the admin area
to export all appointments. An import function for data in the specific text-line
format "Year_Month_Day Content" is also available.
To activate them, open the Admin Area. For newly entered,
not yet saved notes, the export function is unreliable; in that case, reload
the calendar first, and then use the function.
The data can be saved as a formatted (text) file and so be secured as
Appointments exported from one calendar can thus be copied, and re-imported;
however, such appointments will then appear multiple times, if not
deleted beforehand. The calendar simply imports and allocates
text, without checking it for consistency; even completely nonsensical entries are accepted,
and cannot be displayed or deleted, except by deleting all cookies.
(Fixed in version 1.2.4.)
Appointments exported from one calendar can thus also be copied, and imported
into another calendar; there they will also appear as doubles, if they are,
and were not deleted beforehand. However, these possible
duplicates can simply be removed from a collection of exported appointments,
thereby leaving only the relevant ones to be imported. Since they are pure
text, these collections of appointments can also be exchanged via e-mail.
The built-in counter registers all calls of the calendar worldwide,
and should therefore be deactivated and / or replaced by a counter of
one's own choice (in the source code: StatCounter) as soon as the
calendar is up and running.
Its main purpose is to check the localStorage function.
To enable (or deactivate) the built-in counter, open the Admin
Area, (de-) select "Counter is active" and click on "set"
or vice versa.
If the counter is no longer visible, it is inactive.
In Google Chrome, if you wish to open your browser
with a certain starter page, you apparently cannot protect windows with open
tabs from being accidentally closed in the browser settings.
It is possible to do so with a script; however, especially in Google Chrome,
it must be activated by clicking anywhere on the open page containing
the script. As this is almost inevitable with a calendar that is used as a starter page,
it was enhanced accordingly.
The resulting Tab Stopper function in the upper bar knows the states load,
activated (by mouse click) and deactivated. In the activated state
(red on yellow), it blocks the closing of the browser window without confirmation -
but only as long as Google Chrome has not "forgotten" the page and needs to reload it. From
version 1.2.6 b on Tab Stopper can also be activated with [ENTER] after reloading the page with [F5].
Checking the box in front of 'Load Tabstopper' automatically loads Tab Stopper when the page is
opened, and clicking on it activates it. A click on the activated Tab Stopper in turn deactivates it
(green on yellow).
Shutting off Tab Stopper: Tab Stopper works with localStorage,
so it (or its administration) is not always available offline. Open the Admin
Area and, if visible, remove the check in front of "Tabstopper is on" and click on
"change", or vice versa.
If Tab Stopper can no longer be seen, it is inactive.